There are hundreds of thousands of refugees located all around our region. Not only are they strangers in a foreign land without a voice, rights, identity, or home, but they are also oppressed, vulnerable, exploited, trapped in poverty. In addition, many do not know Christ, have never heard the Gospel, and have never been exposed to the Scriptures or a genuine Christian. They are coming from countries most closed to the Gospel but as refugees, we find that many are remarkably open.  It is during this unique openness that many have their first and only opportunity to hear the Gospel and experience wholeness and the fullness found in Christ. we seek God to launch movements of disciples among refugees in our city. Seeking to catalyze a disciple making movement flows most fundamentally from who we are as faithful, passionate, obedient and committed disciples of Jesus. Therefore, abiding in Christ is necessary on our team – this will be an individual and collective effort. 

Our strategies include extraordinary prayer, using access points to create relationships, meeting needs, and life development.

We are looking for an individual who has familiarity, experience, and training in disciple movement principles and practices, and who enjoys pioneering new endeavors, is able to learn as they go, is innovative, vision-driven, people-oriented, compassionate, and teachable. 

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